Tuesday, February 08, 2005


shark's fin n abolone!!! +++++ but where's my bird nests?

yu sheng...

this is jus the freezer..... wait til u see the other compartments! it's P.A.C.K.E.D!!!

mom being very sporting.

ah ma keeps eating the asparagus..

ang bao from mummy..

dad's plant... doesn't it look like a rooster?

baby... i hope u see this though i noe u can't, but i'm missing u sooooooooooooooo much.

baby is currently in malaysia. tried calling him a few times on his mobile but he didn't apply for auto-roam. din wan him to oso cos i tot it was a watse of $$$... n tot i cld endure nt hearing his voice since he'll b back in a jippy.

but i'm so wrong... i jus miss him soooo much.. i'm gonna cry i swear. i jus hope to see my dumbo soon... baby... quickly come back okay...??? i wonder wat is he doing now...?? eating or studying? poor baby gotta study while everybody's sunk into the new yr's mood. come back quickly to drink s'pore's fresh chemically treated water!!!! i noe u're dying there.... *choi choi choi touch wood*

how i wish i got up earlier today so tt i can see more of him... now i jus feel like crying... missing him so damn much. overly delighted to see tt dumbo this morn... n i simply love his company. love u for life my dear.

anyway... happy chinese new yr pp...

baby-the thing tt i'm most concern of is ur health.. wan u to b healthy always. so pls dun eat sooooo much. u always overeat n i gotta fret over ur health like tt. n pls drink more water, i noe u dun. sleep early n no suppers. dun make mi worried all the time. study hard oso k dear.... tt's my+my mom's concern oso... jus do ur best.. love u no matter wat... even if u have a bad haircut or sing out of tune. i jus love u.

my family-my wishes this bday(refused to share in front of everybody though) is health too. always the top priority on my mom's prayer list. pls pls pls take care of ur health.


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