Monday, January 16, 2006

ok.. forget bot the last post. it's nt meant for nice pple.

i've been wanting to share this information for quite awhile, but somehow, it always slips out of my mind.

1 or 2 weeks back, i caught the oprah primetime-sex trafickking. it's toking mainly about the situation in asia. but anyway.. this sex traffickin is a 10 billion dollar industry. it's esp 'prosperous' in the poorer rural area like vietnam and cambodia where parents r so poor, they had to sell thier children. for goodness sake. how can they sell thier children's lifetime happiness for just a 'sack of rice' to fill thier stomach???? they have a choice to protect their own flesh n blood, their own child, nt stranger but some1 close to them.

saw a footage of a young indian girl, v young, she looks like she's only 12. sitting on a man's leg, n being touch by another disgusting man. he tried to pull down her clothes to see her chest.. haha(still flat)

saw a girl, 5 or 6. v tiny girl. she was being tot n asked to provide oral sex to a man in his 40's', 50's. oh man.. unbelievable isn't it???? it pains my heart to c this sad reality happening to children, n nobody is doing anything to help these girls. these girls' life ended just like that. the idiots betrayed their innocence to satisfy themselves!! shit shit shit!!!!

there're so many stories i'd read at the oprah's site that further saddens me. it's so common, n so secretively happening in most households becos pple feels ashamed. NO!!! dun let this rapists, molesters n pedophiles loose.

teach ur children about the danger of this pple! tell them the importance of loving n protecting thie own body!!!! in case there is a need, break thie penis kick it hard. it's ok wan!!! was telling don about it. if drug trafficking is a death sentence, y can't the sentence for rape be castration. den we'll noe who r the rapists.... hahahahahhahaha...

feeling damn sad now lah...

~Those that think it's inappropriate to discuss child abuse are as guilty as the predators~


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