Monday, July 30, 2007

i really ought to be sleeping now since tml will the the start of another hellavu week. rush rush n more rush, ot ot and later ots.... tt's working life for me now. quite pathetic i say.

n since i haven't bathed since coming hme at 8 from my usual jogging routine (my stamina deteriorate like shit) and my bed is covered with winter wears. i din mention the 'weather condition' in my designers' office is comparble to that of North Pole, did i? mi n my mom were thinking we'll just try if these few works. if nt, we'll b bring out the scarfs and body warmer. nt exxagerating. my work place gives me instant hypertemia.

weather's been bad... bt i'm still keeping my jogging routine on.. nt strong i say. too many distractions lately. mostly from work.

n my babe... i love u all the same even though we havent gt tt much time to hang out tgt, n u laughed me pronoucing pulse as 'paws' (nvm, u'll gt it from me), n fathers of our flags, and flags of our flathers. wahliew.. thanx alot man.. my bz schedule is killing me. darn~!!

i hope this week will b a better week... *crossfingers*

btw watch simpsons it's darn cool. spider pig.......!!!


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