Friday, March 06, 2009

When people around me are out of love, and they cry, and they start to make things a wee bit too theatrical sometimes, well... i would say most of the time, and end up being the victim of their own tragic scene, i always try to keep my head cool, brush their sad situation off my shoulder and think " GET A LIFE.... (BABY)!!???" certainly there is more to life den just ur Pathetic gf/bf wat? Big deal~

I realized that's because i've nv truly learnt what it is like to love. I'd always believed that we live only for ourself, why should we need another person to make us feel important n make our lives more meaningful. We choose the way we live, we choose who we want to be and we choose what we want to become. That's my philosophy in life. AND this philosophy of mine is CRAP! oh my god... it took me sooo long to get this fact right.

Because i have been so blessed to be loved and cared for these years that i was with you, that i forgot how it is like to feel sad and be heartbrokened. So, pls forgive me for not being able to understand the pain u have to go through. I've always thought nothing is tooo big that i cannot overcome, but really, nothing is too big because i've always had u. Come to think of it, I've nv felt a tinge of insecurity when i was with u and actually, I've forgotten how it's like to be disappointed with somebody.

Haha.. I'm a love fool. Only self-centred people are qualified to be a love fool. That's me!! *waves* What they do is sabotage their own happiness. That's me again!! aiyoh~ tsk.. y is it always ME?

It's been harder these days... no work.. too much time to waste... dun need to slp.. like tt lor... insomnia lor.. prob pop a few valium lorrrr... n c if i can catch the zzzzz or not lorrrr..

errrr... pathetic lor~ sad case lor~ shake head lor~ emo lor~ drama queen lor~ yucks lor~ sux lor~ worm of woodlands lor~




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