Wednesday, August 22, 2007

i cannot fathom love. Some love love for good reasons, some don't. I'm lucky i love love for some very good reasons. I'm thankful he unravel the meaning of love. I truly believe that our very destiny as human being, starting from the day one's life is dawned inside a mother's womb, to the day he was brought into the world, to the very last breath of his life, is to grasp the meaning of love in the most special, most tangible way.

i read what i felt was the strongest passage of all time to explain the intensity of love.

A man sits in a car on a tree-lined street, watching a fourteen-year-old girl walking home from school, hopelessly in love with her. He loves her. Because of that, he is helpless. Shaking. Paralyzed. Maddened. Hopeless. Nature mocks him. As only nature can mock nature. Or is love natural in the first place? No Matter. By the end of the song he has entered a kind of hallucinatory ecstasy; the music aches and yearns as it rolls on out. This is one supreme pain, that of being imprisoned a spectator. And perhaps not so very far from "T.B. Sheets," except that it must be far more romantically easy to sit and watch someone you love die than to watch them in the bloom of youth and health and know that you can never, ever have them, can never speak to them. - Lester Bangs

endnote: i love my new blogskin for a very very good reason. It has bigger writing n picture space. hah~!!! wah.. today lao niang v cultured ar~


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