Monday, August 13, 2007

i am happy. i really am~

today's rollerblading session was short due to the slight drizzle... bt i still manage to pull thru w/o falling n adding more bruises to my oredi v torn n tattered leg. i give myself a pat on the shoulder for tt. ruiliang tot me some stunts which i dun think i'll practice on again cos blading gives me sucha bad cramp. i wasn't gd afterall. heh~ i tot i was.

bt i had a great time w the bf who really took great care of me. despite the rain n a lethargic sunday syndrome, he did what he'd promised n brought me having me bring him to east coast.

uncle came to fetch us hme after tt. auntie n xy n porpor came back from their tw trip. v fruitful! i'm glad they had fun really. they deserve this trip, hopefully jx n i can go when i can gt my leave. heehee... oh ya.... tok bt saving. hah~

oh my god... i cannot wait for my running session to come again. i can't wait..... the adrenaline rush in me is tooo overwhelming i say.... i just cant wait. bt first i must gt a nano. n ipod soon after i gt my hard drive.... kaozzzz.... my ipod n hard disk r nt in gd hands. they all crashed big time~ darn!!! i hope this is the end of a gd ol crashing session.


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